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Drug Overdose Now Leading Cause of Death for Americans Under 50

Drug Overdose Now Leading Cause of Death for Americans Under 50

Drug Overdose Now Leading Cause of Death for Americans Under 50

The numbers are in. Drug overdoses are the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 50.

Not car crashes or cardiovascular disease… drug overdoses.

To put the opioid crisis in perspective:

Opioid deaths have now surpassed:

Comparing those numbers to recent tragedies like the Pulse Night Club Attack, there would have to be three mass shootings every day for 365 days to roughly equate to the number of drug overdoses in 2015.

Officials across the country declare the drug overdose epidemic as a public health crisis. In the past decade or so, the numbers of fatalities related to drug overdoses have soared.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein officially announced the statistic on drug overdoses Tuesday to the media. Chuck Rosenberg, acting head of the Drug Enforcement Agency, and other prominent officials in law enforcement also addressed the media at the DEA’s headquarters in Arlington, VA.

“We’re not talking about a slight increase. There’s a horrifying surge of drug overdoses in the United States of America. Some people say we should be more permissive, more tolerant, more understanding about drug use. I say we should be more honest and forthcoming with the American people on the clear and present danger that we know face,” opened Rosenstein.

“Fentanyl is especially dangerous. It is 40 to 50 times more deadly than heroin. Just two milligrams, a few grains of salt, an amount you could fit on the tip of your finger, can be lethal. Fentanyl exposure can injure or kill innocent law enforcement officers and first responders. Inhaling a few airborne particles can have dramatic effects,” he continued.


Despite such a bleak update, there was an air of optimism. Rosenberg spoke extensively with his Chinese counterparts in law enforcement about reducing fentanyl distribution. China is the major source of fentanyl that enters America. According to Rosenberg, the Chinese government banned 116 synthetic opioids for export and four more after his trip to China this March. Additional synthetics are scheduled for banning in the future.

“I do not want to understate such gains, nor do I want to overstate them,” he cautioned.

Still, we need more progress in international cooperation, he explained.

Rosenberg and other law enforcement officials assessed the challenges behind training first responders and admit that such efforts would stretch the limited resources available for fighting such an overwhelming epidemic.

Rosenberg’s daunting assessment of fentanyl put in perspective the existential danger of the ongoing opioid crisis. Rosenberg continues to reiterate the paths made thus far, but there is much more progress needed to improve the dire situation.

Overall, it is difficult to fully grasp the scope of the opioid epidemic. These statistics often “wash over” our minds, Rosenberg admits. If you or someone you know is currently struggling with opioid addiction, you know more than anyone how tragic and helpless it can be. Those who do not have a personal experience often struggle to understand these numbers.

However, the numbers do not lie.  In Florida alone, every 15 hours last year, someone died of an opioid overdose in Palm Beach County, nearly double the rate of murders and fatal car crashes.

Addiction is a disease and needs treatment. We need to raise awareness, not stigma. More and more people are losing their lives to overdoses. The stigma has to end. If you are someone you know is struggling with drugs or alcohol abuse, please call now. You are not alone. You need help. Call today.

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Why Did I Gain So Much Weight After Going to Rehab?

Why Did I Gain So Much Weight After Going to Rehab?

If you have gained a significant amount of weight after rehab, rest assured you are not alone. Like the freshman 15, gaining weight is practically expected.   In fact, 65 percent of people gain weight after leaving rehab. Even more struggle with eating disorders, compulsive overeating, or what is now known as “food addictions.” What is the correlation and how can we get to the bottom of this?

First, we must look at the brain. Drug addiction and overeating have similar effects in the brain.  When you were using drugs, it released happy chemicals like dopamine and serotonin which made you feel good. After becoming sober, you may find that you use food to acquire those same happy chemicals.

You might try to “replace” the high you felt from drugs with unhealthy foods. Foods high in fat, sugar, and calories tend to initiate a quick dopamine response in the brain. Unfortunately, like drugs, this happy feeling does not last long. Eventually, you crash and then try to eat again to achieve that same feeling. Substituting food for drugs or alcohol may lead to compulsive overeating and yes, weight gain.

Weight gain can be a source of personal suffering for some, and may even lead to a relapse. It can also contribute to health consequences like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It is important to address the reasons why you have gained weight in recovery.  Nutrition is crucial in the early stages of recovery, so it is important to recognize when you are not taking care of yourself properly.

Five common reasons people struggle with weight gain during recovery:

  1. Stress

    Stress is a risk factor for overeating. In the early stages of recovery, you may find yourself under a lot of stress, and now you do not have your drug of choice to mask those feelings. Research has shown time after time how stress can lead to overeating. For many, stress can lead to compulsive overeating and obesity.

  2. Lack of Dopamine

    One major reason for overeating is a lack of dopamine receptor in the brain. When the brain is low in dopamine, it affects impulse control and emotional regulation. Most people with any addiction have a lack of dopamine in the brain. The brain does not instantly recover once you stop using. In the absence of drugs for this reward mechanism, food becomes the next best thing. Weight gain inevitably follows.

  1. History of Eating Disorders

    Another reason for weight gain is a history of eating disorders before entering rehab. Dual diagnosis in rehab is extremely common. Many enter rehab with other psychological conditions including eating disorders. Almost 40 percent of women in recovery meet the criteria for an eating diagnosis. Men in treatment also experience binge eating and weight gain, especially in the beginning as they seek to satisfy cravings for drugs and alcohol. Few treatment centers screen their clients for eating disorders, so this is often not addressed once the recovering addict exits treatment.

  2. Untreated Depression or Anxiety

    As stated above, dual diagnosis is very common in treatment. Many addicts enter treatment with a history of anxiety and depression. Treatment for mood disorders can help reduce the risk of overeating related to these co-occurring disorders. Often, anxiety and depression can lead a person to overeat in an attempt to relieve themselves of these emotional hardships. Overtime, overeating occurs which leads to weight gain.

  3. Nutritional Deficiencies

    In some ways, weight gain after recovery is not a bad thing. Many recovering addicts are nutritionally deficient after detoxing from drugs. Chances are, there eating behaviors and lifestyle choices were not healthy while using. Eating can be a way of restoring your mind and body back to health. It is important to eat the right foods, however overstressing about weight gain should not be your main concern after leaving treatment. Your body may just be in a healing process. Your priority should be staying sober.

Despite the importance of nutrition in recovery, it is uncommon for treatment facilities to address it. It is important to go to a facility that incorporates wellness into the recovery process. While in treatment, take steps to eating healthy and exercising so that it becomes a lifestyle change upon leaving treatment.

There are steps that you can take to improve your overall health and well-being. Talk to your doctor about supplements you can take to help make the process easier. We encourage you to develop a healthy eating and exercise plan while you are in treatment. The staff at your facility may be able to help you along this process.

Overall, being mindful of your health while in treatment and after treatment is important. If you have gained weight after rehab, do not fret. Simple changes can turn it all around.

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Can I Make My Child Go to Rehab?

Can I Make My Child Go to Rehab?

(This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model)

For parents, one of the most difficult decisions can come when your child is struggling with drug abuse or alcohol abuse. You may end up looking desperately for answers that are not as cut and dry as we would hope. Part of you may want to force your child to get treatment, even if they are in denial of their substance use or just refuse to accept help. So you ask- can I make my child go to rehab?

Can I Make My Child Go to Rehab: Trouble with Teens

Because underage children cannot begin to understand just how much drugs or alcohol can impact their futures, and their health, they are the people most likely to resist getting help. Teenagers are also less likely to have control over their impulsive behaviors because their brains are still not fully developed.

Of course if your child is a minor, it is possible to make them go. Legally, anyone under the age of 18 years old can actually be placed into a residential drug treatment facility without their consent. In the United States, if the child’s parent or legal guardian has custody and a right to protect the child, then they are able to take some extreme action if needed.

However, while it is legal, the bigger question may become should you make your child go to rehab? Is this the most effective way?

Can I Make My Child Go to Rehab: Adult Children

But what if your child is not a minor?

Well, it is still possible to force one of your adult children into treatment in some states. In a few states across America there are laws that allow family members to legitimately force addicts into rehab. In some states where these laws don’t already exist there are movements to push for such legislation. However, making an adult child go to treatment is not just picking a place, grabbing the person and dropping them off. With trying to make an adult get treatment, there is more of a process.

For example, in the state of Florida there is a law called the Marchman Act. This is one of the more progressive laws in America regarding drug and alcohol rehab.

The Marchman Act requires that in order to petition for an addict to be involuntarily admitted to treatment, there has to be present either:

  • A spouse
  • A relative
  • In the absence of family members, three people who have direct contact and understanding of the addict’s condition

Whoever the petitioners, the individuals must be able to provide proof that the individual has lost control and that are likely to harm themselves or someone else. The state you live in may have different stipulations for involuntary commitment to a drug or alcohol treatment facility.

Can I Make My Child Go to Rehab: Intervention

One way people will decide to try and make their child go to drug treatment is by staging an intervention. Sometimes this is done with a professional intervention specialist, and other times it is something organized by the family and loved ones of the individual. In this context, some parents or loved ones may try to blackmail or bribe the individual into getting help.

The term ‘tough love’ is thrown around a lot in situations like this, but while it is important to set boundaries with loved ones, having a more compassionate and supportive approach is often much more effective when trying to actually help a loved one or child to end their suffering.

Communication is key. Having an understanding of what a loved one is going through and what the risks are is crucial to having a constructive and helpful conversation about addiction and getting treatment.

Can I Make My Child Go to Rehab: Should I Try?

After looking at your options, the more pressing question becomes- should I make my child go to rehab?

Of course there is no one-size-fits-all answer for this, but there are those who would suggest involuntary treatment is not as effective as voluntary treatment. Many would argue that recovery requires a real effort, and that someone who does not want to get clean will not succeed.

Others will refute this, and say there is no reason to believe that just because someone does not want to go to treatment doesn’t mean it won’t work. Courts will still sometimes mandate drug treatment in some form, and many people have attended rehab or went to recovery support groups and gotten clean and sober without an initial desire to do so. Also, some would rather their child be institutionalized in some way to keep them off the streets, regardless of what they want.

It is completely understandable for a parent to try to do everything in their power to get your child the help they desperately need. At the same time, it may be important to show compassion, support and have a direct and open conversation before trying to force someone into treatment. The reality is, if they have a bad experience they may never try again. Make sure to be honest and comprehensive, while also setting firm boundaries.

Addiction is a family disease. To learn more about setting healthy boundaries, download our FREE GIFT of a checklist to help decipher if you are helping or hurting a loved one who is struggling with addiction.


Forcing your child to go to rehab may not be the best way to get them help, but it can save them, if only briefly. Ultimately, finding a safe and effective treatment program creates the opportunity for lasting change and growth. If you or someone you love is struggling, please call toll-free now. We all need a little help sometimes, and Palm Healthcare Company wants to help you.

CALL NOW 1-888-922-5398

Will I Lose My Job After Going To Treatment?

Termination of employment document


One question many ask before going to treatment is whether or not they can keep their jobs after treatment. The decision to go to treatment is a challenging one and often, conflicts like separation from family, current employers, and financial hardships prevent some from making the crucial decision to go to treatment.

If you are struggling with substance abuse, all these areas are already being negatively affected by your addiction. Your employer may already suspect that you have an issue with substance abuse. If they do not, it is a smart idea to address the issue before it progresses to interfering with your employment.

We understand that you have concerns about seeking treatment, but you risk everything—including your job— if you do not seek treatment for your alcohol or drug problem. Your addiction has become unmanageable, and it is crucial you address it to sustain a healthy life.

Can I lose my job if my boss knows that I need treatment?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects employees from being discriminated against because of a disability. People who struggle with the disease of alcoholism are considered to have a disability under ADA guidelines.  However, the guidelines do get tricky. If your job performance declines because of your drinking, your employer has the right to terminate you because of poor work performance.

Actively using illegal drugs is not protected by the ADA. However, the act does protect someone who has gone through drug rehab and is not using or has a history of drug use but is in recovery. You employer has the right to test you for drugs, but they cannot ask about your history of addiction. Therefore, it is best to seek recovery and live a sober life to avoid failing a drug test and losing your job.

But will my job be held while I am getting treatment?

The ADA does provide guidelines to protect recovering addicts who seek treatment for drugs and alcohol. Your employer is required to make reasonable accommodations, such as allowing flexibility to attend AA/NA meetings or allowing a leave of absence to attend alcohol and drug rehab. The Family and Medical Leave Act or FMLA can protect you while you seek treatment.

Still, some employers make it difficult to return to work after treatment. It is important you know your rights and the policies of your employer to hold them accountable. Furthermore, remember that seeking treatment should be your priority, and your life depends on living a sober, healthy life. Without treatment, your life may become unmanageable and eventually lead to termination regardless.

Won’t my career or skill set suffer if I leave for treatment?

Think about how much your addiction affects your ability to work. The reality is your career and abilities will likely improve through seeking treatment for your addiction. When you go to treatment, you begin at detox where your body is cleansed from alcohol and drugs and your health and cognitive function improve, making you sharper.

Addressing your addiction issues will make you a better employee. You will find that your productivity improves as well as your desire to work harder. You will now have newfound ambitions that do not involve figuring out how to obtain your D.O.C (drug of choice). Instead, you can use those strategies to improve in your profession.

How will I pay for bills and living expenses if I go to rehab?

Going to treatment can be a major expense on top of your bills and cost of living. However, there are a variety of ways to get around this. First, make sure to determine what your insurance covers regarding addiction treatment. Some insurance companies will cover a set amount of time in treatment with little out-of-pocket costs.

Furthermore, using accrued vacation time will help provide a paycheck while in treatment. If your employer offers short-term or long-term disability leave, you might be able to use it while in treatment.  More importantly, rehab is a valuable investment that will change your life. If you do NOT go to treatment, you could lose your job due to termination, which would result in more financial strain.

Get the Help You Need

If you are afraid of losing your job or not having a job to come back to, rest assured there are a variety of ways to go about making sure this is not an issue. First, you have to make the decision to go to treatment and explore your options.

You are more likely to keep your job or get a better one after seeking help. You owe it to yourself, your employer and your family to recover from substance abuse, Call now. We want to help.

CALL NOW 1-888-922-5398

What is the Link Between Stress and Addiction?

A recent article in Psychology Today explores the topic of chronic stress and how stress can increase vulnerability to addiction.

Have you dealt with a lot of stress lately? If so, it might be time to take care of it. Stress is a major risk factor in addiction recovery. Stress may increase the chance of a relapse. Stress is a normal part of everyday life and while it may not be possible to eliminate stress completely, there are ways to manage it better.

What is Stress?

Most of us have been stressed before, but how exactly do you define stress? Stress is defined as adversity or hardship that a person experiences. Biologically speaking, stress causes a rise in our blood levels and increases stress hormones, like cortisol. Fight-or-flight is the normal response to stress. In this state, all the blood goes to the muscles so that you are ready to take off when necessary.

There is a difference between chronic and normal stress. Moderate stressors in life are perceived to be pleasant. In fact, some people love a challenging stressful situation that promotes the release of stress hormones. However, intense and prolonged stress due to unfortunate situations can produce feelings of helplessness and depression.

Chronic stress increases the risk for developing:

  • Depression
  • The Common Cold
  • Influenza
  • Tension Headaches
  • Clenching of the Jaw
  • Teeth Grinding
  • Tension of neck and shoulders

Stress stems from a multitude of sources. Trauma in early childhood can make people more vulnerable to stress later in life. There are studies that suggest stress in early life can cause methylation of key genes that control the stress system When this happens, we remain in a constant state of emergency.

The workplace is another environment prone to chronic stress.

If your job is very demanding, stress is a likely result. On the same note, those who feel unappreciated at work or unimportant are susceptible to developing clinical anxiety and depression, as well as stress-related medical conditions like ulcers and diabetes.

For some, a common remedy is abusing addictive substances. Research in human studies reveals that adversity during childhood and early life can increase the risk for addiction. Furthermore, people with an unhappy marriage, dissatisfaction with employment or harassment also report increased rates of addiction.

The more stressors a person is exposed to, the greater risk of substance abuse. Economist Deaton (2015) shows that less educated white Americans who struggle in the job market during early adulthood are more likely to experience “cumulative disadvantage” over time, with health and personal problems that lead to drug overdoses, alcohol-related liver disease, and suicide.

Why is this?

One explanation is the self-medication theory. This theory suggests that a person uses drugs to cope with stressors or relieve themselves of anxiety and depression resulting from a traumatic event. Thus, drug use acts as a mean to soothe the psychological distress.

High emotional stress is linked to loss of impulse control and an inability to delay gratification. Chronic stress decreases gray matter volume in the brain. This area is associated with cognitive control and stress regulation.

Essentially, stressed people are prone to give into their impulses as a way of coping with daily stress. In sum, people who are more stressed lack the ability to make rational decisions.

In conclusion, learning to manage stress is crucial to success in recovery. if you are struggling, reach out for help. There are a variety of treatment options available to manage stress. We are a phone call away. Please take care of your health. Call now. 

CALL NOW 1-888-922-5398

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