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September is National Recovery Month 2017

September is National Recovery Month 2017

September 2017 marks the 27th anniversary of National Recovery Month. The purpose of National Recovery Month is to increase awareness of mental and substance use disorder and celebrate people who DO recover.

The theme for National Recovery Month 2017 is: Join the Voices for Recovery: Strengthen Families and Communities.

This year’s theme highlights the value of family and community support. National Recovery Month invites individuals in recovery and their family members to share their personal stories and successes to inspire and encourage others.

The Purpose of National Recovery Month 2017

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is sponsoring National Recovery Month.

Back in 1992, Congress established SAMHSA to help make information and services more accessible to those in need of assistance.

SAMHSA Strategic Initiatives have various purposes, including:

  • Providing resources for people with mental and substance use disorders
  • Supporting the families of those struggling with mental and substance use disorders
  • Building resilient and supportive communities
  • Promoting prevention of costly behavioral health problems

National Recovery Month’s overall goal is to educate Americans that addiction treatment and mental health services can enable those struggling to live a healthy and rewarding life.

National Recovery Month sends the message that:

  • Treatment is essential and effective
  • Prevention does work
  • People can and do recover

Every September, thousands of prevention, treatment and recovery programs host events and activities intended to educate the public about recovery. There are millions of lives who have been transformed through recovery. National Recovery Month is about raising awareness of the treatment programs out there. It is also about celebrating the successes of those who have recovered.

Broward Recovery Month Celebration

If you live in the South Florida area, you should consider attending a SPECIAL event occurring in Broward County.

Broward’s Recovery Month Celebration:  “honors outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to helping people in our county remain sober.”

Broward Recovery Month invites you to attend a special recovery event on September 9th at the War Memorial Auditorium. The event will occur from 11 – 3 and there will be food, fun, and inspiration for all.  Special guest speakers Heidi and Dug McGuirk will be speaking at this year’s event. Please see our recent article for more information.

The Importance of National Recovery Month

Overall, the mission of National Recovery Month 2017 is to show Americans that addiction and mental illness are not life sentences. There is support out there. There are millions of Americans who have sought treatment and have recovered. Furthermore, through education, we can prevent these conditions from becoming worse. Awareness is the key.

The message that recovery CAN happen changes the face of addiction from one of hopelessness to one of possibilities and success.

There is a way out. Often, the media focuses on those struggling with addiction, however, there are plenty of recovering addicts who have managed to lead successful healthy lives. These successes tend to go unnoticed.

National Recovery Month 2017 helps spread the message of recovery and acknowledge these accomplishments.  If someone you know is struggling with addiction or mental illness, give us a call. There is a way out and we can help. Do not wait. Call toll-free today.

 CALL NOW 1-888-922-5398


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