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Understanding the Many Options in Addiction Treatment

Understanding the Many Options in Addiction Treatment

At a time like this in America, no one should be naive to the reality of addiction and the devastation it brings. The opioid epidemic impacts people in every city in every state; whether it is through prescription painkiller abuse or heroin and potent synthetic opioids like fentanyl on the illicit market. Meanwhile, methamphetamine use has also continued to grow steadily in the background. Other prescription narcotics have become more and more prevalent with misuse, and alcohol remains a legal drug both frequently abused and deadly. Something equally as important as acknowledging addiction is being aware of the options in addiction treatment.

One thing we have to continue to promote is that people seek help, regardless of who they are, where they’re from or what they think they can afford. Expenses can be an important factor for each individual when trying to find treatment; therefore it is important to remember there are always options available regardless of financial status. At the end of the day, everyone deserves a chance at making it through their adversity.

While the options may be different, they are still out there.

State Funding Rehab Facilities

For those who are extremely limited in their resources the most attainable option may be to pursue a state-funded program. State-funded rehab facilities are cost-free, which is the greatest advantage to seeking help through these programs.

Most states have some form of government-funded addiction treatment. Sadly, some people still see a stigma attached to public assistance programs and they allow it to keep them from getting help. However, for the individual who has little to no income, or with inadequate to no insurance coverage, these organizations provide detox, treatment and support services. State-funded rehabs are often included in other state services such as:

  • Child social services
  • Criminal justice and prison provisions

The funding for treatment may be included as part of these other initiatives.

Some states will offer a variety of therapy options with state-funded programs. Others might not have as many due to limited funding. Some state facilities will not necessarily have access to the same technologies and treatments as private treatment providers.

Private addiction treatment programs often have unique services depending on their approach and treatment model. However, some people still find that state-funded programs are effective in helping them get their start.

Medicaid for Addiction Treatment

One thing that can be a real help to those who are unable to afford a higher level of insurance coverage is access to state-funded health insurance programs.

Medicaid coverage for no insurance rehab is a useful option. Medicaid and Medicare may actually cover both detox and inpatient addiction treatment. Some may even cover outpatient care depending on each programs requirement for eligibility through the state. Through Medicaid or Medicare, an individual who has very limited resources may receive free or low-cost addiction treatment.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or what some call “Obamacare” insurance providers are required to cover all basic aspects of drug and alcohol dependency recovery. Medicaid covers:

  • Screenings

  • Interventions

  • Maintenance and craving medications

  • Family counseling

  • Inpatient care

  • Long-term residential treatment

  • Detox

  • Outpatient visits

  • Other mental health services

In most states, Medicaid recipients don’t even have to worry about a copay for addiction treatment services.

Medicare for Addiction Treatment

Medicare is available for anyone:

  • Over 65 years old
  • With a disability

Medicare does have a monthly premium, but that amount is also based on the individual’s income. So if you make less money you pay less for your coverage.

Inpatient and outpatient treatment can be covered by Medicare. This coverage is provided in a four-part system:

  1. Medicare Part A

Insurance for hospital stays covers up to 60 days without copay with no deductible. But Medicare only covers up to 190 days for a lifetime.

  1. Medicare Part B

This can cover outpatient addiction care at up top 80% of the costs. This includes coverage for therapy, professional interventions, and drugs administered via clinics. This also covers co-occurring disorders like depression.

  1. Medicare Part C

This is Medicare-approved private insurance for those who want to opt for more benefits. It does include more out-of-pocket costs and coverage can vary.

  1. Medicare Part D

Medicare Part D coverage will help cover the cost of addiction medications. Specifically, this form of Medicare helps with medications used to combat cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Combined Coverage

Someone who is eligible for Medicaid and Medicare can actually apply both forms of coverage to their addiction treatment. If you believe that you qualify for these insurance opportunities you can contact a caseworker for assistance with an application.

Once you have obtained coverage for any of these programs, you can research online to find facilities that accept these forms of insurance.

Keep in mind, not all facilities accept Medicaid or Medicare.

Individual Health Insurance

When examining the options for addiction treatment people who have health insurance, whether privately or through their employment, should research the coverage available through their insurance provider.

The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equality Act of 2008 mandates that health insurance companies to balance the alcohol and drug treatment for group plans to the stipulation for standard medical rehab.

Because substance abuse and addiction are recognized as medical conditions, insurance companies have a responsibility for covering the cost of addiction treatment. Substance use disorders are better understood today for their effects both psychiatrically and physically, so major insurance providers make a point these days to offer terms for partial or complete coverage of options for addiction treatment. Many times this coverage will allow for access to quality holistic treatment programs.

Too many people don’t know the extent of which their own insurance covers them. Find out what services are covered by your policy when seeking out care for substance abuse. As far as employers go, your right to addiction treatment is protected by FMLA, while the details of these protections and provisions may differ depending on the state or the individual companies policies.

Private Pay Options in Addiction Treatment

Of course, health insurance is not required to obtain addiction treatment services. Not everyone has insurance, or their insurance might not provide the coverage they need. There are also facilities that cater to a private pay demographic.

All across the country, there are addiction treatment facilities that offer different levels of high-quality and luxury treatment options for those who would prefer to pay cash for services. Many patients who chose to private pay do so for a variety of reasons, and they often find that they require a combination of treatment methods, including:

  • Detoxification

  • Inpatient treatment

  • Outpatient therapy

  • Group counseling

  • Intensive one-on-one counseling

  • Family Program

  • Private recovery coaching

Of course, different programs have their unique advantages and disadvantages. However, those who chose to private pay for addiction treatment often do so because they are looking for a very specific approach with a very specific criterion that caters to their own needs.

Executive Treatment Programs

Executive treatment programs are another one of the options in addiction treatment. These facilities cater to clients that wish to pay more for a more private environment with more luxuries. Executive programs are more expensive and are more commonly utilized by CEOs, high-paid professionals, and celebrities.

Many programs that offer executive options for addiction treatment allow for those receiving care to continue working with their businesses or clients while attending individual therapy, support groups, and holistic treatments.

Help is Out There

Addiction is everywhere. Sadly, there are not as many resources as many recovery advocates believe there should be. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to find help with addiction and recovery.

But help is out there.

There are accredited holistic treatment programs that maintain their integrity by providing quality care to their clients. These facilities provide high-level services in a safe and comfortable environment while staying at the edge of innovations in treatment. While not all of these companies advertise their contributions, many even provide scholarship opportunities for those who cannot afford treatment to have access to their programs.

Meanwhile, we should all look to our politicians and public health officials to create even more options for addiction treatment. Until more support and funding is available for expansion of options for addiction treatment, the resources we have now do everything they can to make a difference.

Palm Healthcare Company has made a commitment to provide effective, innovative and holistic addiction treatment options to those still suffering with substance use disorder. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll-free now. We want to help.

 CALL NOW 1-888-922-5398

What is Outpatient Rehab?

What is Outpatient Rehab?

(This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model)

Many people make the unrealistic assumption that drug or alcohol treatment is always similar to long-term, strict hospitalization. While some level of medical care is necessary, and some may be monitored in case of other more severe health issues, there are other levels of care that are more relaxed, with recovery programs customized to fit the individual’s needs. When considering treatment for drugs or alcohol, a lot of people end up asking- what is outpatient rehab?

When trying to get the most innovative comprehensive experience in treatment, it is vital to understand the levels of care and how each level of care can offer unique opportunities for growth.

What is Outpatient Rehab: Intensive Outpatient

One common aspect of treatment that many people are curious about is intensive outpatient programs (IOP). IOP for substance use disorder is a level of care that offers a number of helpful services while also allowing you to work, go to school or spend time with your family.

These kinds of programs require that an individual participate in therapeutic activities usually 3 to 5 days a week, depending on the program. Sometimes the schedule is flexible to your individual needs. When enrolled in an intensive outpatient program, patients will help create a treatment plan based on the aspects of recovery that seem most essential to their success. IOP programs are especially geared toward relapse prevention and developing healthy coping skills.

What is Outpatient Rehab: Common Services

Many holistic treatment approaches include other options for the individual’s treatment plan, such as:

Below are 4 common services you should look for in treatment:

  1. Detoxification

A safe medical detox is always a huge help to getting started on the path to recovery. These detox services are crucial for those experiencing severe and dangerous withdrawal symptoms. If you are looking into outpatient treatment, it is always advisable to attend a safe medical detox instead of trying to quit cold turkey.

  1. Group counseling

IOPs rely heavily on group therapy to enhance sober behaviors, develop communication skills, introduce structure, and provide guidance. IOP programs typically focus on different aspects of recovery, including:

  • Addiction education
  • Relapse prevention
  • Stress management
  • Coping skills
  • Life skills
  • Interpersonal process
  • Support systems

When looking into options for treatment, it is important to make sure the program offers courses on these important elements.

  1. Individual therapy

The IOP therapist’s primary objective is to help an individual resolve maladaptive behaviors in order to break the cycle. This kind of therapy is great for helping someone who is working or living at home to identify and rectify old destructive patterns in real time.

However, it is important to note that inpatient treatment is also extremely important because at the inpatient level of care the therapy is focused on finding the underlying causes and helping the individual to overcome serious traumas or issues behind substance use.

  1. Family Programs

Addiction is a family disease, and it is important that loved ones be included in the healing process. The Palm Healthcare family program is designed to help educate the loved ones on addiction. By helping families better understand substance use disorder, they are then able to better communicate and support their suffering loved on in a healthier way.

Family programs provide the family with their own support systems, while helping to heal broken relationships between the user and their loved ones. When someone reaches an outpatient level of care, they may become more present in the family and therefore many people want their loved ones to be well-informed and prepared to best support them during the transition.

What is Outpatient Rehab: Why It’s Important

Outpatient treatment is a big step in the right direction for people struggling with substance abuse or addiction to continue receiving care while also integrating their recovery into their everyday life. Having a network of professional and personal support gives someone recovering from drugs or alcohol an extra line of defense between them and the substances that damage their lives.

However, it is recommended that outpatient treatment follow a period of inpatient treatment, also known as residential treatment. Not everyone can benefit from outpatient treatment without structure. Those suffering from co-occurring mental health conditions definitely do better with dual diagnosis treatment. Inpatient treatment is a more intensive and intimate level of care that provides a secure and safe environment for establishing a healthy foundation. It allows the individual to focus for some time on getting well and addressing the biggest obstacles they face.

Following a residential stay in treatment, many recovering from substance use issues will choose to attend an outpatient rehab program. A lot of people will take advantage of outpatient treatment while living in a sober living facility.

What is outpatient rehab? It is a great way to continue your recovery after detox and inpatient treatment. It is a point of progress in building a new life, while maintaining a connection to peer support and therapeutic resources. If you want to know more about treatment options and levels of care, Palm Healthcare wants to help. Please call toll-free now.

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