Choosing A Detox
The safest and often most efficient way to get through the physical aspect of drug addiction is to attend a safe medical detox. Detox is the first level of care for a proper drug or alcohol treatment program, and with a detox in Delray Beach, Florida there is a serene and comfortable atmosphere created for this initial part of the treatment process.
Many people who choose to get help arrive painfully addicted to alcohol and other drugs and cannot safely or successfully stop drinking or using on their own. Frequently the withdrawals from substance abuse are far too discomforting and after a while a lot of people give up the fight. This is where a detox like Palm Healthcare Company can help.
Addiction and substance abuse are very real issues facing Americans today, and as a matter of fact these issues impact the entire world in many aspects. We constantly hear more and more about synthetic drugs made from chemical compounds coming from overseas, the opiate epidemic hitting households in every corner of the country, and the failed War on Drugsthat has included both victims and cartels from all over. Addiction is very real and very present in our world, so for those who want to find help, Palm Healthcare Company offers a solution.

Before an individual can be admitted into treatment, they must first complete the detox process. During the Medical Detox process, people have supervision and support, so they won’t be forced to deal with changes and cravings without help. In some cases medication is necessary to keep an individual stable, however this is not always the case. There are various ways of treating the individual, depending on the addictive substance that was used.
By offering the highest level in drug alcohol detox treatment, we know that you or your loved one will have a better chance of staying sober for good. Through the most comprehensive care possible, our inpatient drug/alcohol detox treatment program guarantees effective medical detoxification from trained addiction professionals, who know how to help you stay sober for good.
At Palm Healthcare Company you can overcome your fear of alcohol/drug detoxification. Break free from the mental and physical dependence of drug addiction. Give yourself or your loved one the opportunity to recover for good. Palm Healthcare Company provides safe & comfortable drug/alcohol detox treatment. We make comfort our top priority by properly weaning patients off addictive substances.
Our 24-hour medical and addiction professional staff continuously evaluates every client’s progress, administers the appropriate levels of medications and provides unlimited support during this difficult time. Our highly qualified drug alcohol detox specialists have been where you’ve been and genuinely want to see you get better.
Your drug alcohol detoxification program will be designed for you individually. We never take the one-sized-fits-all approach to alcohol drug detox at Palm Healthcare Company. Tailor made and customized to meet your individual needs, we promise to make your safety and comfort our top priority.
After alcohol drug detox, we encourage our clients to continue on with the proper level of care for their individual situation. A team of medical and addiction specialists will determine the proper level of addiction treatment following you or your loved one’s alcohol drug detox treatment program.
Detox Withdrawal Symptoms
Not only can detox be painful to the patient, but it can be quite dangerous due to the potential for side effects. Detox withdrawal symptoms can include:
- Nausea
- Increased heart rate
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Nightmares
- Clammy skin
- Hand tremors
- Hallucinations
- Fatigue
- Feeling of nervousness
- Depression
- Convulsions
- Sweating
- Mood swings
- Fever
- State of confusion
- Anxiety
- Vomiting


Many people consider alcohol to be different from other drugs. Alcohol is legal and it is socially acceptable. What some people do not realize, however, is that alcohol is one of, if not the most dangerous substance to quit. Once the body has become dependent on alcohol, withdrawal can be deadly.
Alcohol Detox is the process of managing alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol withdrawal refers to the set of symptoms that are observed when an individual suddenly stops drinking alcohol after a period of prolonged or excessive use. The severity of alcohol withdrawal depends on a number of factors including: how long you have been drinking, how much you drink, your general health and age.
In Alcohol Detox, medical professionals are on hand to manage your withdrawal symptoms and make sure the process is both safe and comfortable. Often, fear of the withdrawal process is the biggest barrier to people seeking treatment. Alcohol Detox allows you to stop drinking without uncomfortable and dangerous alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Opiates are a class of drugs that are derived from the opium poppy plant. Drugs like heroin, morphine, oxycodone, opana, and kratom are all considered opiates. Opiates are highly addictive, and withdrawal can be very painful.
Opiate detox is the process of weaning a person off of opiates and controlling the withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms are the physical effects of purging the body of addictive substances. It occurs when a person becomes tolerant to a drug.
Tolerance results when the body adapts to regular opiate use over a long period of time. Eventually, it takes more and more of the opiate to produce the original effect. This is what happens to long term opiate users. Their bodies expect the opiates. When the opiate use is stopped or the dose is significantly reduced, the body reacts in a physical way. This is why the opiate detox process is so important. In opiate detox, medical staff can administer medications to manage your withdrawal symptoms and ensure that the process is both safe and comfortable.
Withdrawal from opiates can cause unpleasant symptoms. Some common opiate withdrawal symptoms include extreme pain, tremors, muscle cramps, sweating, chills, rapid heartbeat, itching, restless leg syndrome, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness.
In opiate detox, medical professionals administer medication to manage these symptoms. They often give “replacement” medications to lessen the effects of withdrawal. Beyond the “replacement” medications like buprenorphine or methadone, you will also be given meds to treat muscle spasms, high blood pressure, anxiety, and insomnia. They also monitor your vital signs to ensure that the process is safe.

Benzodiazepines are mainly prescribed to treat generalized anxiety disorder and insomnia. Many people who stop taking these medications experience increased anxiety or restlessness. Users often develop a tolerance to benzodiazepines, or benzos, after taking high doses for a long period of time.
The withdrawal symptoms of benzodiazepines are physically and emotionally painful and can be life-threatening if the user stops “cold turkey.” Those with a history of taking higher doses or taking the substance for a prolonged time have the worst withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms include: sweating, panic attacks, nausea, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, hallucinations, seizures and irritability. Taking benzos more frequently, in higher doses, in more potent forms and/or for a prolonged time all increase the duration of withdrawal.
Quitting cold turkey can even cause death in some circumstances. A supervising physician must be present to monitor for potentially fatal symptoms, including seizures and suicidal behavior. Medical detoxification from benzodiazepines often involves tapering down from the drug. Tapering down can mean reducing the dose or prescribing a less potent benzo. The strategy used is determined by the severity of addiction and the type of drug that was abused.

If you are using stimulants, like cocaine or amphetamine, you may think you have it under control. But, if you have reached a point where you begin to feel sick when you aren’t using, then you are no longer in control and you need help. Stimulant abuse can cause a number of serious issues, among them a withdrawal syndrome that can linger for months, even years. Detox from stimulants can take an extremely long time, much longer than most detox programs. People often feel irritable, depressed, and experience cravings long after they stop abusing stimulants.
Stimulant withdrawal effects can be psychological and physical. The psychological withdrawal from stimulants can be especially severe, leading some former users to relapse; others may even become suicidal or violent. Physical withdrawal symptoms can include: agitation and restless behavior, depressed mood, fatigue, generalized malaise, increased appetite, vivid and unpleasant dreams and slowing of activity. For this reason, stimulant users are advised to seek professional medical help when quitting the drugs.
Medical detox programs help to manage symptoms of withdrawal, making the whole process more bearable and productive. In general, a taper method will produce less severe withdrawal symptoms. Stimulant detox should take as long as it needs to, and the doctor and patient must be able to agree that the patient is ready to begin focusing on addiction treatment instead of just on managing their withdrawal symptoms.
Palm Healthcare Company
1177 George Bush Blvd.
Delray Beach, FL 33483
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